Wednesday 11 February 2015

Miss Havisham Ideas

Below are my first two initial ideas for Miss Havisham. I am going to develop these further, but I have experimented not just on the face charts but on myself at home, which I have created a time-lapse video of me completing the look.  
This face chart shows my first design, where I would use Liquid Latex to create a talking skin effect. Her face would be dry from malnourishment, and would not be looked after. I have used a greyish tone for her complexion as this is how I initially visualised the character, and is something I am feeling confident with creating. 

My two initial ideas focus on Miss Havisham once she has aged and left her skin untouched in the dark. I am unsure whether or not I would like to use prosthetics, this is something I need to experiment with. I want her skin to have a dusty-grey tone to it, as originally Victorians would have Porcelain skin, but as Miss Havisham is not eating properly and skin is lacking the sunlight, I imagine her to have a greyish tone to her complexion. I have tried to make her face seem gaunt and have hollowed out the cheeks and the eye sockets, but I feel I would be able to exaggerate this a lot more with layering the colour and making sure I blend it out to seem realistic. I have used powders instead of the Supra Colour Palette, I feel that this method is a lot less obvious and subtle, so I think I will be using powders in my final assessment. I am pleased with this experiment, I am going to make a few more changes to the design such as darker tones and maybe dark chapped lips, to develop this idea further. 

I am happy with the outcome of this practise, I have enjoyed taking my own time out of the class and practising a look. This did not take me a long time either, so I am confident with my time management within the assessment time, as I will need to create a historical hairstyle as well. 

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